yesterday i was at temple of the ages to go into uw. well i got a bunch of people and and we waited for about 5 minutes for our two monks to set their skills. Then we were all ready to go.
the second we go in somebody said don't take the quest, then i hear
warmo "what's a quest?"
we were all like aw man...
so we told him stay with us, so we started to clear the area before taking clearing the chamber quest when he keeps dying. suddenly i decided to stay back and see what skills he use. he was almost 1/3 of the way dead when suddenly i see "seeker's blade". then i asked what skills he had.
seeker's blade, gash bane signet restore life heal signet. and we're like "WHY ARE YOU SMITING!!"
suddenly he's at 60% DP and we decided to go clear the chamber. as we were going back to the ghost to get the quest. after we cleared it we noticed that he was still at 57% DP. i told him to follow me to get the quest started which then he did "unwanted guest, escort the souls and grenth monument. all we know is that suddenly a huge wave of monsters came out of nowhere.
before we did i said "damnit leeroy!!!" and we died.
just then he pms me "what in FOW???"
so i told him that he should not be here you are clearly not ready.
"i am not a bad player, just bad build"
morale of the story, always have people ping their skills.